VMware Tools Cannot Find Kernel-Headers on Fedora 18 x64

After you upgrade to Fedora 18, whenever you try to install vmware tool, you will receive the following error.

Searching for a valid kernel header path...
The path "" is not a valid path to the 3.7.4-204.fc18.x86_64 kernel headers.
Would you like to change it? [yes]

I believe you already got kernel header, so all you need is to link the header file by using the following command

ln /usr/src/kernels/3.7.4-204.fc18.x86_64/include/generated/uapi/linux/version.h /lib/modules/3.7.4-204.fc18.x86_64/build/include/linux/

Launch the vmware-config-tool.pl again, the error will gone.



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